As part of our curriculum at Debden Park careers education challenges our students to be independent experts who are proud, successful learners and who are driven to determine their own futures, fully equipped with the necessary experience and skills to leave school ready and equipped for a future world of higher education and work.  Embracing the opportunities available to them through further and higher education, and apprenticeships.

In November 2016 Debden Park High School received re-accreditation for the Recognition of Quality Award (RoQA) for Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance Award. We also achieved the Quality in Careers Standard in November 2016.

Our established careers programme is delivered through our PHSE lessons, the BE Curriculum and a range of bespoke training sessions for students. In Years 7 to 13 we encourage students to reflect and consider the factors involved in making important decisions about their futures and the options available to them. 

The school regularly assesses the impact of the careers programme and follows the guidelines from the Careers Development Institute (CDI) and the Eight Gatsby Benchmarks.

KS3 students complete career lessons to raise students’ aspirations through self-development, understanding stereotypes, careers exploration and wellbeing.  Our students also have the opportunity to take part in a variety of careers events including our annual Careers Fair in partnership with local schools and FE college.

KS4 students complete career lessons on Post 16 options and take part in work related learning through work experience placements, mock interviews and careers events. Lessons include CV advice on how to write and create a CV, personal statements, letters of application and attend our annual Careers Fair.

KS5 students take part in enrichment, work experience placements, UCAS and personal statement workshops, Higher education events and employer degree apprenticeship talks, as well as employer engagement through Breakfast for Business events.

Jaci Hammond is our Careers Lead and a qualified Careers Adviser and has a Level 6 qualification in Careers, Education and Guidance, and is available in the Hive, Sixth Form on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday each week during lunchtime and after school.

In addition, our students are all provided with the following opportunities:

-          Option interviews for Year 9 students on referral

-          Group interviews for Year 10

-          One-to-one impartial Careers Advice and Guidance in Year 11

-          Individual Careers interviews for Year 12 and 13

-          Individual advice and guidance on applying for Apprenticeships for Post 16 and 18, Sixth form and College courses, applying to universities including researching careers, finding courses, applications and writing personal statements

-          Talks from Further & Higher Education providers, Student Finance, Apprenticeships through Essex County Council and National Citizen Service.

-          Annual Careers Fair for students and parents

-          Access to online careers programme Job Explorer Database

The Careers Library is open at break and lunch times and after school and is fully resourced with books, information and local college/sixth form/university prospectuses.  There is IT access, and students can research colleges, sixth forms, universities, apprenticeships and job opportunities.

We have close links with our local business community and If you are interested in taking part we have many employer engagement events throughout the year. Please contact us for further information:

kuben Narain
Careers Lead


Please see the sub pages to view details of local college and sixth form open days and contact details.


Websites that may be useful to you for finding out further information:

Review will be carried out at the end of the academic year.